Tips for perfect sunlight photography

Tips for perfect sunlight photography | Perfect lighting is the best source of adding more expressions to the pictures. The photographers are well aware of the fact that a picture, when clicked in proper right, speaks more of its story and ambience.

Sunlight is a source of natural light that helps to adjust the photography in its best possible way. This article by Tarun Joshi – professional wedding photographer in Chandigarh, deals with the Tips for perfect sunlight photography that allows you to bring life and essence to your pictures.

Tips for perfect sunlight photography

Tips for perfect sunlight photography

The time period

You must have observed that photographers take the time period into account before clicking the pictures. The blue and golden hour of the day helps the best to define the mood and vibe of the pictures. Twenty minutes before and after the sunset, known as twilight period, throws the blue color light and when contracted with the artificial city lights, it produces a blue colour effect. However, more magical effect is generated in the golden hour. It is the time period of one hour after the sunrise.

The light angle

It is very important to know how to shoot if you are using the sunlight. In case you want to shoot without having the shadow then front lighting effect goes without saying. On the contrary, if you want to play with dimensions and shadows, then side lighting could be your best tool. There are times when you want to get the dark image of the object and just the outline, then you can have the backlight effect of the sunlight.

Turn off the lights

It is generally said that natural sunlight wants to be away of the competition from other artificial lights. If you want to make the use of sunlight in its natural way then place the object away from the other artificial lights or switch them off and then see the magical effect.

Choose the right backdrop

One of the important tips for perfect sunlight photography involves the right choice of backdrop. The indoor shoot settings always lack proper lighting and thus artificial effects are to be arranged. However, an expert photographer always chooses the right kind of backdrop. As white colour is known to collect the light and then throw it back to the subject, it is often used as a backdrop.

The Window Effect

While shooting in the sunlight, when window is open, it helps to enhances the colour quality of the photograph. But, the object or the person should be at one or two foot away from the window to avoid the direct contact of harsh sunlight. This strategy not only helps to bring out the better pictures but also preserves the natural essence of the moment. This saves the picture from any kind of artificial effect.

In this way, the above mentioned Tips for perfect sunlight photography help to retain the natural and lively effect of the moments. the sunlight plays a major role in the photography and an expert always takes the time period, backdrop, window effect as well as the right kind of angle in the mind.

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